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An introduction into Prisma

Updated: at 15:00

Prisma is a modern ORM replacement that turns a database into a fully functional GraphQL, REST or gRPC API. It provides powerful abstractions and building blocks to develop flexible and scalable backends.

In this post, we will take a look at the most important concepts of Prisma and even build a little sample application to give you some practice using it. We will focus on GraphQL whenever we look at practical examples.

So, without wasting any further time, let’s get started.

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Why care about Prisma

Now the question remains why you should use Prisma in the first place. Here are some reasons why developers should consider using Prisma and where it can be of help.


Prisma provides a type-safe API that can be used from the front and backend including filters, aggregations, and transactions. This drastically increases the intelligent auto-completion or jump-to-definition features of IDEs and also makes code generation easier.

SDL (Schema definition language)

Prisma lets you define your models using their modern SDL and migrates your underlying database automatically. It provides a concise and powerful way to specify your GraphQL schema. For more information refer to this article from the official Prisma blog.

Simple database workflows

Prisma’s overall goals are to remove complexity from database workflows and simplify data access in your applications by providing:

Clean and layer architecture

Prisma provides a clean architecture which respects synchronization, query optimization/performance and security. They do so by providing a build-in DAT (data access layer) which is used to abstract the complexity of the database access so that the developers can focus on their data instead of worrying about how to store and retrieve it from the database.

Prisma Architecture


The datamodel defines the underlying database schema and thus is the foundation for all the auto-generated CRUD operations of your Prisma client.

The data model is written using a subset of the GraphQL SDL and stored in files with the .prisma file extension. These files need to be referred to in your prisma.yml file under the datamodel property.

datamodel: datamodel.prisma

Building blocks

Now, let’s take a look at the building blocks of our datamodel:


A simple example of a database.prisma file:

type Post {
 id: ID! @id
 published: Boolean! @default(value: false)
 title: String!
 content: String!
 author: User!

type User {
 id: ID! @id
 email: String! @unique
 password: String!
 posts: [Post!]!

This example contains a few important concepts of datamodels:

Here is a visual representation of how the types will be mapped to database tables:

Prisma data mapping

For more information on the Prisma datamodel, I recommend visiting the official documentation.

Prisma client

The Prisma client is an auto-generated library which replaces typical ORMs in your API. It provides the connection between the client and the Prisma server which sits on top of the database.

Prisma Client

It provides a seamless API which lets you work with your relational data, JOINs and transactions.

It can be generated using the prisma generate command provided by the Prisma API. We can also change the configurations by editing the prisma.yml file.

 - generator: typescript-client
   output: ../src/generated/prisma-client

In this example, we define that our client should be generated in typescript and in which folder the output should be saved.

Now that we know the basics of the client let’s look at how we can use it for basic data access and manipulation.

Defining data

The Prisma client is auto-generated from the datamodel.prisma file and exposes CRUD functionality to all of its models.

For the following sections let’s consider that we have this datamodel:

type Post {
 id: ID! @id
 createdAt: DateTime! @createdAt
 updatedAt: DateTime! @updatedAt
 title: String!
 published: Boolean! @default(value: false)
 author: User

type User { 
 id: ID! @id
 name: String
 email: String! @unique
 posts: [Post!]!

Reading data

Whenever you query a database record from the Prisma client you automatically get all the scalar fields of your record. That means that by default you only get fields which aren’t considered as relations (e.g. we only get the id, name and email when we query our User record)

Fetching all records:

const users: User[] = await prisma.users()

Here we are fetching all the users from our database and save them into an array.

Fetching a single record:

Fetching single records is also straight forward. We just need to include the where parameter with a unique field like the id in our example.

const post: Post = await{ id: 'cjli6tknz005s0a23uf0lmlve' })

Select fields:

By default, we get all scalar fields of our record. If we only want to get specific fields though we need to write our own query fragment which can look something like this.

const fragment = `
fragment UserWithPosts on User {
  posts {

const user = await prisma.users().$fragment(fragment)

Here we use the $fragment API to specify the fields we want to query. After that, we fetch the fields using our Prisma service.

Writing data

Now that we know how to read data from our database using the Prisma client let’s move on to writing data to the database.

Creating Records:

When creating new records in the database we use the create() method which takes one input object with all the scalar fields of the record.

Each method call returns a promise for an object which contains all the scalar fields of the model that was created.

const post: Post = prisma.createPost({
  title: 'An Introduction into Prisma',
  author: {
    connect: { email: '[email protected]' },

Here we create a new post with [email protected] as our author.

Updating Records:

When updating an existing record we need to use the update() method which takes one input object with two fields:

const updatedUser: User = await prisma.updateUser({
  data: {
    name: 'Test',
  where: {
    email: '[email protected]',

Deleting Records:

When deleting one record from the database we use the delete() method which takes an where object as an input.

const deletedUser: User = await prisma.deleteUser({
  email: '[email protected]',

Realtime subscription

Now that we know how to define and manipulate data lets take a look at how we can subscribe to database events and receive updates in realtime using the $subscribe property.

The $subscribe property is based on Websockets and is auto-generated for each model type in your datamodel.

Basic subscription:

Subscribe to the create and update events of for our User module.

const createdAndUpdatedUserIterator: UserAsyncIterator = await db.$subscribe
    mutation_in: ['UPDATED', 'CREATED'],

Subscription with query:

Subscribe to events of a specific user using the node property.

const createdUserIterator = await db.$subscribe
    mutation_in: ['CREATED', "UPDATED"],
    node: {
      email_contains: `[email protected]`,

If you want more information about the Prisma client you can visit the official documentation.

Prisma server

The Prisma server is an infrastructure component that is connected to your database. It needs to be configured with a database connection and your user credentials before deployment.

Prisma Server

The main responsibility of the Prisma server is to translate request made by the Prisma client into actual database queries.

Local setup

The currently recommended way of setting up the Prisma Server is through Docker. This can be done by writing a simple docker-compose.yml file which contains both a config for the Prisma Server and one for our database. After that, you just need to start it using the docker-compose up command.

This can be done using different databases like MySQL, PostgresSQL or MongoDB. Here I show a sample config using MySQL as the database.

version: '3'
    image: prismagraphql/prisma:latest
    restart: always
      - '4466:4466'
        managementApiSecret: some-secret
        port: 4466
            connector: mysql
            host: mysql-db
            port: 3306
            user: root
            password: root
    image: mysql:latest
    restart: always
      - mysql:/var/lib/mysql
  mysql: ~

Here is a simple docker-compose file which will create two containers:

The Prisma container uses mysql as its database which it can refer to with its container name.

Demo Servers(Prisma cloud)

Another option is to use Prisma’s cloud service instead of hosting the database and server locally. These demo servers are completely free, but you need a Prisma Cloud account.

These servers have a rate limit of 10 requests per 10 seconds (on average) and can thereby not be used in any production environment. Here are some use cases where it makes sense to use a demo server.

Use cases:

Potential use cases for these servers are:

We will see how to use a demo server in the CRUD app example below.

Prisma admin

Prisma admin is a way to visually interact with your data and database. It also you to modify existing and add new data to your database using a modern and simple GUI.


The Prisma Admin interface consists of 4 main areas:

Prisma Admin

Getting access to Prisma admin

The Prisma admin page is available at the /_admin endpoint of your Prisma service.

For example:

You can find the endpoint of your Prisma service in your prisma.yml file. Prisma admin can also be opened using the prisma admin command in your console.

If you want to try it you can go ahead and open the demo service provided by Prisma themselves.

Writing data

Prisma admin provides a GUI that lets you easily create, update and delete data in your database.

Every database operation is a two-step process:

  1. Make changes in the Prisma UI
  2. Once you are done click the Save to Database button in the bottom-right corner

Creating a basic server

Now that we have a theoretical understanding of Prisma and know what it is used for let’s build a simple GraphQL server with it to get a better grasp of the concepts and structure we talked about above.


Let’s get started by downloading the GraphQL CLI using npm (Node package manager) and setting up our project.

npm install -g prisma graphql-cli

After that we can create our project by typing:

graphql create primsa-crud

Then you will see a selection of project templates that looks something like this.

Prisma Create Project

We will choose typescript-basics and continue on by pressing enter. This will create a sample project with one GraphQL type called post and full CRUD functionality.

The folder structure should look something like this.

Prisma folderstructure

Project structure

Now that we have set up our project let’s investigate the generated files and their roles in the project:



Datamodel and Schema

The most important files of every Prisma application are the datamodel.prisma and schema.graphql because they define our data model and are thereby the foundation of the API.

Here is what the basic data model looks like:

type Post {
  id: ID! @unique
  isPublished: Boolean! @default(value: "false")
  title: String!
  content: String!

Now let’s add a second type to get a good feeling about using the SDL.

type User {
  id: ID! @id
  email: String! @unique
  password: String!

Here we just add another type with three fields. We also use the @unique declarator to make sure that every value is only used once in the database.

Now that we have updated the datamodel.prisma file let’s continue by adding the User type and mutations to our schema.graphql file.

type Query {
  feed: [Post!]!
  drafts: [Post!]!
  post(id: ID!): Post

type Mutation {
  createUser(email: String!, password: String!): User
  createDraft(title: String!, content: String): Post
  deletePost(id: ID!): Post
  publish(id: ID!): Post

type Post {
  id: ID!
  published: Boolean!
  title: String!
  content: String!

type User {
  id: ID!
  email: String!
  password: String!

Let’s walk through the code:

Query and Mutation implementation

Now only the implementation of our resolver function remains. So let’s implement them in our index.ts file.

const resolvers = {
 Query: {
  users(parent, args, context: Context) {
   return context.prisma.users()
 Mutation: {
  createUser(parent, { email, password }, context: Context) {
   return context.prisma.createUser({ email, password })

Here we create two resolver methods which both invoke a method generated by the Prisma client instance which is called prisma and attached to the context object.

Deployment and testing

Now that we have finished our application we just need to deploy it to a demo server and test it using the GraphQL Playground. We can do so using the following command.

prisma deploy

If a dialog appears you need to choose Demo server and the location with the best ping. Then you need to register an account on Prisma cloud and connect it.

After that is done you can run your application using this command:

yarn start
npm run start

Your application should now be running and you should be able to visit the GraphQL playground on http://localhost:4000.

Now we can test our queries and mutations:

Create Post:

mutation {
    title: "Prisma is a great and easy tool",
    content: "It really is."
  ) {

Create User:

mutation {
    email: "[email protected]",
    password: "test123"
  ) {

Get all users:


If you have any problems or questions feel free to leave them in the comments below. The whole code can also be found on my Github.


You made it all the way until the end! Hope that this article helped you understand the basics of Prisma and why it is so useful to us backend developers.

If you have found this useful, please consider recommending and sharing it with other fellow developers. If you have any questions or feedback, let me know in the comments down below.