Hi, I’m Gabriel Tanner

I’m currently working as a Software Engineer at Dynatrace in Klagenfurt, Austria and study Computer Science at the Alpen Adria University starting October 2022. Furthermore, I’m working on the ‘HASCY – HTLs Asfinag Safety Cat’ industry project, a rail-bound sledge for tunnel security, as a software engineer. More information about my current work and projects can be found on LinkedIn and Github.
I started this blog to document my learning while providing useful learning materials/information to other people on the internet. The blog focuses on backend development and DevOps, but I also write about general programming concepts/topics.
If you have any article requests or want to contact me about a particular topic, please send me an email or Twitter DM. I’m also open to collaborations regarding technical or freelance opportunities (currently interested in AI, backend and low level development).